On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 12:10:14AM -0400, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
i switched to gentoo since my old pc died and there are still no win64 drivers for my sound or usb hardware..plus 'ls -al' takes so damn long on windows..and downloading keygens from emule takes longer than just waiting 15 seconds for something to emerge..
my last binary is http://whats-your.name/pd/ix039.rar, which is the CVS head plus all of my tweaks that miller never rolled in (yet?) like pd.ini (a la pdrc) support, drag and drop, themability, tk 8.5 with lots of extensions.. and the externals to go with it http://whats-your.name/pd/extra/dllcity/ . unles someone jumps out of the woodwork this will arguably remain better than the windows distro on sourceforge or miller's site, at least until Mathieu starts working on impd again then i might fire up VMware to make a binary of that..
On Apr 19, 2005, at 12:36 AM, ix@replic.net wrote:
I can understand that... I bought a PowerBook, so I am very happily in Debian and Mac OS X land since then...
I guess the problem remains: many windows Pd users, few windows Pd devs.
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