Bugs item #1319163, was opened at 2005-10-08 20:04 Message generated for change (Comment added) made by eighthave You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=478070&aid=1319163...
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request, not just the latest update. Category: pd-extended
Group: v0.39.2 Status: Closed Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5 Submitted By: Towynlin (towynlin)
Assigned to: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Summary: fiddle~ segfault in Hans's OS X Pd.app
Initial Comment: fiddle~ is causing Pd to segfault with both of these versions of Hans's OS X apps: Pd-0.38-4-extended-RC1 and Pd-0.39test2-extended-RC0. I'm on OS 10.4.2. This causes the crash:
[adc~] | [fiddle~]
Turn audio computation on.
I also tried adding the default arguments to fiddle~. No difference. I found it while trying out Help => Tutorials/playnow => voice-fm.pd
Crash log attached.
Comment By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Date: 2006-07-06 20:10
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=27104
don't know how it was fixed, or what was previously causing the problem, but I can't make it crash anymore.
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=478070&aid=1319163...