Hi Tim,
i've got an undefined symbol when i try to load xsample linked with the shared flext library: _ZNSt24__default_alloc_templateILb1ELi0EE10deallocateEPvj
i'll look into it (next week i guess)
and when loading tbext: error: flext - Could not launch helper thread!
The flext helper thread is not special for a specific external. Does this only happen in certain configurations a various externals, or also if only tbext is loaded?
if i link the externals static, pd loads them (runs the setup), but creating the xsample or fftease object it segfaults, tbext objects segfault when i try to send messages (vasp / readanysf~ seem to work)...
That's strange because i've been testing xsample quite a lot. I have no clue what could be wrong there.
greetings, Thomas