** [patches:#540] bsaylor/pvoc~.c 64-bit patch for garray_getfloatwords**
**Status:** open **Group:** bugfix **Labels:** bsaylor pvoc~ **Created:** Sun Apr 19, 2015 05:46 PM UTC by electrickery **Last Updated:** Sun Apr 19, 2015 05:46 PM UTC **Owner:** nobody
Patch for the garray_getfloatarray / garray_getfloatwords issue in bsaylor/pvoc~.c. garray_getfloatarray is not supported on 64-bit systems, and it produces an error in the PD console. This patch changes the type to t_word, replaces the call with garray_getfloatwords and adapts the value retrieval (by adding '.w_float').
Tested with Pd-vanilla 0.46.6.
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