Bugs item #1752995, was opened at 2007-07-12 14:52 Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=478070&aid=1752995...
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request, not just the latest update. Category: puredata Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Private: No Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: Startup... keep only 10 items
Initial Comment: Startup... interface keeps only 10 items and destroy the rest. here's an example:
standardpath: 1 verbose: 0 loadlib1: Gem loadlib2: cyclone loadlib3: zexy loadlib4: creb loadlib5: cxc loadlib6: iemlib loadlib7: list-abs loadlib8: mapping loadlib9: markex loadlib10: maxlib loadlib11: memento loadlib12: mjlib loadlib13: motex loadlib14: oscx loadlib15: pddp loadlib16: pdogg loadlib17: pixeltango loadlib18: pmpd loadlib19: rradical loadlib20: sigpack loadlib21: smlib loadlib22: toxy loadlib23: unauthorized loadlib24: vbap loadlib25: pan loadlib26: freeverb loadlib27: hcs loadlib28: jmmmp loadlib29: ext13 loadlib30: hardware loadlib31: deprecated loadlib32: flatspace loadlib33: iem_anything loadlib34: pdp loadlib35: pidip loadlib36: ggee path1: /usr/share/pd path2: /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType nloadlib: 36
note: no flags in pd-extended this is normal hans cannot know our hardware if we use jack, alsa, portaudio or oss. then i open pd, go in Startup... put this startup flags: -rt -jack -audiodev 0 -audiobuf 64 -channels 16 -alsamidi; apply; Save all settings and here's the file now (.pdsettings):
audioapi: 2 noaudioin: True noaudioout: True audiobuf: 50 rate: 44100 nomidiin: True nomidiout: True path1: /usr/share/pd path2: /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType path3: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone path4: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/zexy path5: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/creb path6: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cxc path7: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/iemlib path8: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/list-abs path9: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/mapping path10: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/markex path11: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/maxlib path12: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/memento path13: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/mjlib path14: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/motex path15: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/oscx path16: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pddp path17: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pdogg path18: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pixeltango path19: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pmpd path20: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/rradical path21: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/sigpack path22: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/smlib path23: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/toxy path24: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/unauthorized path25: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pan path26: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/freeverb path27: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/hcs path28: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/jmmmp path29: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/ext13 path30: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/hardware path31: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/deprecated path32: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/flatspace path33: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/ggee npath: 33 standardpath: 1 verbose: 0 loadlib1: Gem loadlib2: cyclone loadlib3: zexy loadlib4: creb loadlib5: cxc loadlib6: iemlib loadlib7: list-abs loadlib8: mapping loadlib9: markex loadlib10: maxlib nloadlib: 10 defeatrt: 0 flags: -rt -jack -audiodev 0 -audiobuf 64 -channels 16 -alsamidi
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=478070&aid=1752995...