(I got no answer before, so I'll try again)
So I am trying to write [cursor] starting from Günter's [gcanvas]. This is my understanding of what's going one: [gcanvas] uses a t_widgetbehavior.w_clickfn function to get the mouse coords on click. Then that t_clickfn registers a t_glistmotionfn so that it will continue getting the mouse coords.
What I want to do is using the t_glistmotionfn but add it with a [start( message. Why doesn't this work? This is what I am doing in externals/ggee/gui/gcanvas.c:
static void cursor_motion(t_cursor *x, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy) { x->x += dx; x->y += dy; outlet_float(x->out2,x->y); outlet_float(x->x_obj.ob_outlet,x->x); }
static void cursor_start(t_cursor *x) { glist_grab(x->x_glist, &x->x_obj.te_g, (t_glistmotionfn) cursor_motion, (t_glistkeyfn) NULL, NULL, NULL); }
class_addmethod(cursor_class,(t_method) cursor_start,gensym("start"),0);
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