With libPd, calling the getrect function of the IEM's GUIs gives coordinates that seem to be slightly different from what is really drawn. I've seen in the Github PR 227 ( https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/227), that the IEM's GUIs have been updated. Do the size and the position of the objects has changed? The Pd submodule of libPd is behind Pd vanilla, so in this case I should wait before trying to correct these small offsets in my code. If changes has been made, does it respect now the Purr-Data "expectations" (see https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data/issues/243#note_1995)?
Cheers (an thanks for the work!) Pierre
After more investigation, the bounds of the patch (in fact the bounds of the GOP) include the border size (the thin red/black line) but the IEM's GUIs don't include their border. I have to increase their sizes by 1 (assuming that the border size is 1, I should have increased the size by 2 * border size but it works with 1). I've pull the last Pd version (0.48.1) into libPd but I think the same offset was the same with Pd-0.48.0. Cheers
2017-12-06 15:04 GMT+01:00 Pierre Guillot guillotpierre6@gmail.com:
With libPd, calling the getrect function of the IEM's GUIs gives coordinates that seem to be slightly different from what is really drawn. I've seen in the Github PR 227 (https://github.com/pure-data/ pure-data/pull/227), that the IEM's GUIs have been updated. Do the size and the position of the objects has changed? The Pd submodule of libPd is behind Pd vanilla, so in this case I should wait before trying to correct these small offsets in my code. If changes has been made, does it respect now the Purr-Data "expectations" (see https://git.purrdata.net/ jwilkes/purr-data/issues/243#note_1995)?
Cheers (an thanks for the work!) Pierre