Howdy. I got the following bug when running PD 35.1 on Win2k sp2
can't read "tkPriv(x)": no such element in array while executing "if {(283 != $tkPriv(x)) || (182 != $tkPriv(y))} { set tkPriv(mouseMoved) 1 }" invoked from within "if {!$tk_strictMotif} { if {(283 != $tkPriv(x)) || (182 != $tkPriv(y))} { set tkPriv(mouseMoved) 1 } if {$tkPriv(mouseMoved)} { .bgerrorT..." (command bound to event)
Bug started occurring after I closed all patches I was editing and all that was present on the monitor was the "main" pd window and the cmd window
Regards ... Jarek