Ok, after much pain and grief, I think I have found a workable solution to getting rsyncing working properly on Cygwin/Windows. Basically, the fight seems to be over the 0444 perms on the files in .svn. So there is a script (scripts/autobuild/extra-rsync.bat) that runs every 15 minutes that first rsyncs ignoring the .svn stuff, so it gets the meat. Then it runs rsync again to try to get the .svn stuff. It often barfs after a few files, so that's why its run every 15 minutes.
Then when the built runs, it starts out with an rsync with a --delete- before. So it'll delete everything that shouldn't be there, but it might not get a complete sync on Windows. But since it has been syncing all day, it should be ok, right? right?
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