hey guys,
...I've been poking around in the image conversion code, and have added the ability to select a colorspace for converting the pdp data to give to gem (most importantly, a straight yv12 to uyuv, with altivec!)...now it's compiling and linking, but pd doesn't like to load it :-/ seems like this has been covered before, but I couldn't find it in my mailbox's...
...here's my compile/link:
g++ -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -Wall -W -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -Wno-long-double -DGEM2PDP_VERSION="0.5" -g -I../../pd-0.38-0test10/src -I. -I../../pdp-0.12.4/include -I../../Gem/src -I/sw/include -o pdp2gem.o -c pdp2gem.cpp
gcc -bundle -bundle_loader ../../pd-0.38-0test10/bin/pd -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -o pdp2gem.pd_darwin pdp2gem.o -lm -lstdc++
...and here's the pd output when loading it:
dyld: /Users/tigital/puredataDev/pd-0.38-0test10/bin/pd Undefined symbols: __ZN11imageStruct5clearEv __ZN7GemBase11setModifiedEv __ZN7GemBase17obj_setupCallbackEP6_class __ZN7GemBase17realStopRenderingEv __ZN7GemBaseC2Ev __ZN7GemBaseD2Ev __ZN9CPPExtern16setCPPObjectNameEPc __ZN9CPPExtern8m_holderE __ZnwmPvS_ _pdp_packet_copy_ro_or_drop _pdp_packet_data _pdp_packet_header _pdp_packet_mark_unused Program received signal: "SIGTRAP". (gdb)
...and yes, I do have Gem and pdp loading before pdp2gem...any ideas?