I would really love to use the flext library but I'm creating an external for a portfolio in my course and my lecturer reckons I could go without using an SDK like flext :S He's just being difficult!
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On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Matthew Laughlin wrote:
If I were in your position, I'd do what he says, then instruct your compiler to produce .asm's, and hand him the assembler code. "Yes, Professor, assembly language is so much more manly. You made me see the light. I thought you'd appreciate it". That's all that this dude deserves.
That's unless your code is so small it's not worth it, or that you are trying to do things flext can't do, or you already have a large investment in non-flext code and the switchover would be long, ...
________________________________________________________________ Mathieu Bouchard http://artengine.ca/matju
On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 06:28:37PM -0500, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
Flext is worthy even for small externals; Saturday morning, I had to produce a Windows version of my ascii externals (not something I like to do, but some people I want to help are still being enslaved by M$). I was able to recompile flext and my externals in one hour, and I guess it would be the same to create a Max version.
The only problem is that flext is being linked statically to the compiled externals, which inflates the size of externals by ~ 80k; maybe there's a way to link flext dynamically...
-- Marc