Alexandre Quessy wrote:
Hi again,
[concat] is different from [list2symbol] because it doesn't need to be initialized with a null symbol (!!) in order to concatenates atoms. If you don't wnt it to be in the CVS, it doesn't have to, but I find this name meaningful. It's just a way not to use [makefilename] for simply concatening symbols.
it was pure interest on my side why you would need such an external when there is already [l2s] which provides exactly this functionality. (i think that the need for one additionaly [loadbang] and [symbol( is a a fair price for having the possibility to choose any "separator")
by no means i want to be a censor of what goes into the CVS and what not. and i don't basically object to your submission though i don't think that "learning C" is enough of a motivation to need write access to the pure-data CVS - but again this is not an objection.
I will put my externals and abstractions in a directory named "muzaq", I think. I am hesitating between a set of externals, or a library. Is there some neat points that would make me choose such a format instead of several C files ?
note that how you organize your C-files does not necessarily have anything to do with whether you produce single externals or big libraries. e.g. i build zexy as a library even though each object has a separate C-file. i am pretty sure that there in the externals/build system there are several externals whose code is in the same C-file (although this is a waste of ressources).
basically i would advise you to structure your C-files in a modular and reusable way; whether you compile as external, library or whatever is then a matter of (other!) preferences.
fmg.adsr IOhannes