On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, chris clepper wrote:
i will not have linux-only or macOS-only stuff in Gem as it is.
i just don't see how that's possible to maintain. osx is not linux which is not windows, so there has to be some things that can be done on one platform and not another. otherwise GEM just becomes a lowest common denominator of these platforms, and not a full featured app on any of them. if you don't take advantage of the strengths that each platform has, then why even bother making the app run on it in the first place?
I do not see why there should be things that can be done on one platform and on the other not. Actually I think that platform independency is very important for GEM.
I am not a specialist in graphics, but for me, YUV,RGB etc is just a different way of handling images, which boils down to additions, multiplications, etc...
Can you explain how the Operating System comes into play here ? Or is it the processor rater ?