which font do you mean ?
- menus and overall gui ? - the embedded stdout ? - patch canvas ?
for the menus and overall gui i dont see any reason why to use a fixed-width font...
the embedded stdout reads better with fixed-width font, but should be very small (the window too), if you need more, resize or use it as its supposed to be used, flag: -stdout (oh, its called -stderr ? is it really going to stderr, why?)
removing that embedded stdout from pd main window when used with -stderr(-stdout) flag could be nice...
in the canvas window i realised that fixed-width fonts are better to read than non-fixed-width fonts, well i just compared "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" and "Bitstream Vera Sans"
why am i referring "bitstream" ? its open source ttf font !
which "courier" do you mean ? ;)
and yes, i was thinking on a font preferences dialog too, but first i would like to know how many *different fonts do we have/need ? *i count different sizes of the same font as "different" too...
thinking on fonts... -andre
ps. i used to be for bitmap fonts, but now i wont go back from tcl/tk8.5 --enable-xft ;) (it really is more enjoyable to read antialiased fonts!)
On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 00:44 +0200, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Probably the best way to deal with which font is to just keep Courier (maybe not bold tho) and then add a font preference. Any volunteers?
On May 3, 2006, at 3:31 PM, Andre Schmidt wrote:
(sorry if double-post, the last didnt seem to get on list, waited 2h)
heres how (pure) pd-0.39.2 looks on dapper now (on the left) http://osku.de/pd/foo/pd-dapper01.png
it, and other tk progs that used courier, looked "normal" (with good looking courier) couple days ago, so i assume its not "you" who broke things...
on the right, some ideas for pd main window and showing how good bitstream true type fonts look like ;) (tcl/tk8.5cvs)
On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 13:01 +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
debian etch/sid, tcl/tk 8.4.12-1
in the recent process of upgrading from etch to sid, i seriously damaged my xfonts (in pd everything is normal (non-bold!) helvetica; iemgui's didn't respect the fontsize,...at least i fixed this...)
which brings us back to shipping a font with pd...
mf.asdr. IOhannes _______________________________________________ PD-dev mailing list PD-dev@iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev
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