well, I made all that stuff ... in windows you cannot use any non-static function of pd which is not declared explicitely as __declspec(dllexport) extern (don't know the right syntax now ...) - correct me if I'm wrong ...
it should work in MinGW without explicit export (just add /path/to/pd.dll to LFLAGS, and -mms-bitfields to CFLAGS if you want MSVC ABI compatibility).
at least it never had problems with ggee or yves gui objects that linked to private-header stuff..but maybe it was all declared EXTERN?
#if defined(MSW) && !defined (__GNUC__) #ifdef PD_INTERNAL #define EXTERN __declspec(dllexport) extern #else #define EXTERN __declspec(dllimport) extern #endif /* PD_INTERNAL */ #else #define EXTERN extern #endif /* MSW */
..sorry, lost the win32 binaries, but all readanysf~ deps compiled with ./configure && make install in MinGW