Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
What does the Debian package have to do with flatspace?
The Debian package pd-externals was built from the "externals/build/ src" build system GÃŒnter set up years ago. The "flatspace" lib in Pd- extended is the contents of that build system.
I know that both flatspace and the pd-externals deb are using the old build system, but I don't see how the existence or non-existence of the deb would influence the existence of flatspace in pd-extended. Maybe it has to do with some quantum physics entanglement issue, I didn't understand? ;)
Anyway if all externals from flatspace are also included in other subdirectories of pd-extended then I don't see why pd-extended would need a flatspace. But I'm no pd-extended user, so probably someone else should comment.
I use pd-extended and I think it would be a lot easier to use if _everything_ was in flatspace so I don't have to rewrite all my objects with the directory prefix and manually track down the help files. For example all the stuff in mrpeach could just as easily be in flatspace since none of it depends on anything else, there is no library file they all need except for pd itself. If any name conflicts arise I would just rename the offending objects. (Also I think the proper term is "whittling" which is like shaving wood from a stick, not "widdling" which is like urinating in a dribbly fashion ;))