Em sáb., 15 de out. de 2022 às 13:35, Miller Puckette via Pd-dev < pd-dev@lists.iem.at> escreveu:
To pd dev -
I've pushed version 0.52-3test1 and am waiting for Hannes's mighty CI system to make a Mac build. Meanwhile I've built and tested in wine but not on a real windows system. I'm away from my usual testing machines til Dec. 9 so will have to do the 0.52-3 release a bit creatively.
I'll next get to a Mac (at Columbia U) next Tuesday or Wednesday. In the meantime I'll upload compiles for Mac, Windows 64 and 32, and source to the usual place to fish for whatever problems others mihgt run into.
nothing up there in http://msp.ucsd.edu/software.html yet, can't wait to try it out
I wasn;t planning on putting any updates out til I can get back to my own lair but there's apparently problem in soundfile reading that necessitates an update. The update is mixed up with several improvements which I'm nervous about but not as nervous as trying to sort out a 0.52 branch would have made me.
cheers Miller
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