Hallo, guenter geiger hat gesagt: // guenter geiger wrote:
I mean, the externals don't use the directory they are stored in (/usr/lib/pd/extra or whatever) as default path. They use the patches directory. Generally abstractions and externals should behave the same IMO.
Yes, I thought so, too, one time, but this is not that easy. For example, I use several abstractions which use other, private abstractions in turn hidden in subdirectories or being next to the main abstracion, or which use saved textfiles or similar things, which I need to find somehow. The only way to find them -- so it seems to me -- is by using the path of the abstraction itself as reference. One cannot know the path of the parent in advance, and it will never be the same on different user's machines.
So I would prefer the default behaviour to stay, as it is currently, that is, reference "." as the directory of the abstraction.
However *if* an abstraction wants to know the parent's path, this should be made explicit, either by inlet things, or by an int/external for this purpose as a [pwd]