On 06/15/2010 08:12 PM, Chris Niven wrote:
I agree, it makes more sense for developers like myself who are only working on specific parts of the project, and aren't necessarily concerned with everything going on in the main tracker. It's hard to keep up with relevant discussions when your inbox is constantly being bombarded by SourceForge!
i disagree. i'm usually interested in a lot of bugs that won't be assigned to me, unless i do it myself. i'm not concerned with everything going on in the main tracker (nor the main pd-list), but always find it interesting if information is not too tailored towards me.
it's easy enough to filter out all messages to pd-dev originating from "noreply@sourceforge.net". for what it's worth, mails from the various pd-lists have been sorted out of my inbox for ages (can't bear the traffic)
i wouldn't mind, if mere status changes (e.g. pending->closed transitions; assignments;...) were not reported anymore. i'm only interested in "real" messages by "real" people.
fgmasr IOhannes