cc'ed to pd-dev, so that newbies like me can find the info!
--- Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
- class_sethelpsymbol() is optional. Pd will
automatically set the help patch if its not specified. I recommend that you don't use it
right, but is the default name help-myobject.pd or simply myobject.pd?
- I recommend that you make a personal folder in CVS
externals/. In there you can make separate libraries my directory. For example, I have externals/hcs, and in that externals/hcs/hid, or externals/ggee/gui for example.
- for Makefile, check out externals/Makefile. You
can follow cxc:, cxc_install: or smlib:, smlib_install: for an example. It should be pretty straightforward.
externals/ekext is my directory. I have on several occaisions cvs-ed voicing_detector~ and zeroxpos~, but they do not appear to have worked, despite the cvs reporting back that no conflicts were found? Last time I cvs-ed them was yesterday...
Best, Ed
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