I built it a long time ago on OS-X, which even for me was pretty trivial. I
don't have access to the machine nor the binary anymore. If you compile Lua
into the external's binary, it will depend on basically nothing anymore. Lua
is pure ANSI C and really teenytiny, so compiling Lua into the external will
not be a memory hog, but has the advantage that you can reuse the same binary
on many machines just by copying over.
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 08:53:52AM -0500, Martin Peach wrote:
> Yes I'm interested in that too, still learning lua. It would be nice to
> have [pdlua] in pd-extended. I can try to build it for WinXP and see
> what's involved.
> Martin
> On 2011-01-18 06:54, João Pais wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I looked at [pdlua] last week, and was quite impressed by the examples
>> there, and how it's easy to create new externals that go beyond pd's
>> capabilities (for example to parse lists and symbols, etc.) - provided
>> you learn about lua.
>> I wanted to use this in a project, but in the website -
>> - there's only instructions to compile in linux. Since the developer
>> isn't responding to my mails, I wanted to know if it's possible to get
>> this working on other plattforms. So I wanted to ask around:
>> - does anyone has any already built binaries of pdlua for windows and
>> macos?
>> - since I guess the answer is going to be no, is anyone interested in
>> helping me trying to compile pdlua in these systems? Although since I
>> have limited access to macos, and never compiled anything on windows,
>> "helping me" means telling me what to do, which dependencies to get, etc.
>> - this project is something that should work on all plattforms, and, in
>> the future also in android (when pd for android is also that far). can
>> anyone say something about the feasibility of porting pdlua to android?
>> [I cannot evaluate the dumbness of this question]
>> I would like to use pdlua, but if it's not a feasible solution, I'll ask
>> instead someone to write a C external for me.
>> Thanks,
>> João
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