I am using the library template for PuREST JSON.
This library needs libcurl for compilation, and libcurl throws errors while cross-compiling for architectures with different word sizes, e.g. compiling 32-Bit on 64-Bit. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1680426)
To counter this, me.grimm has removed 32-Bit support for Mac OS X, and I have merged that with my branch. (https://github.com/megrimm/PuRestJson/commit/c9981507dfc9fb1da763c83d15a86cf...)
So: Is 32-Bit on Mac OS X still around?
Also: The version of json-c in fink seems to be 0.10 still, while 0.11 is out for a while. Can someone please update the package? (https://s3.amazonaws.com/json-c_releases/releases/index.html)
Thanks, Thomas