Thanks ! Now I use mingw developper studio (I prefer what is open source... !). I can compile with no problem but I can't load it.... again ! In my project I have source.c (the first example of the tutorial, the "helloworld") and a new header file def.h with:
#define export __declspec (dllexport) export void helloworld_setup();
I can build the library with no problem, but the result is "helloworld.lib.a"... It's not a dynamic library, is it ? I try to rename it and to move it in pd, but I have this beautifull error: "the DLL c:\pd\extra\helloworld.dll is not an avaible image of window" (it s bad translation, the original is: "L'application ou la DLL c:\pd\extra\helloworld.dll n'est pas une image Windows valide." Why ? Must I use "extra linking option" in minGW ? What are this options ?
And again... thanks for all !
Thomas Goepfer
Using VC you must "export" the setup function, either in the source code file with something like
__declspec(dllexport) void helloworld_setup() { .... init stuff }
or when linking at the command line with link /dll /export:helloworld_setup ....................
best greetings, Thomas