On 11/15/2012 01:22 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
On 11/14/2012 09:07 PM, SourceForge.net wrote:
Assigned to: IOhannes m zmölnig (zmoelnig)
thanks for assigning that to me. however, i usually do cleanup all those bogus tickets whenever i notice them (and since i regularily read the pd-dev list, i get notified pretty soon), so you could either save yourself some time (by not logging into sf and assigning the ticket to me) or save me some time (by directly moving those tickets to the "XXX Deleted" tracker).
i don't see the point in having two people work on a spam ticket. (and yes, i still feel it is worth to the tracker open to anonymous)
That's my way of reminding you that I think we should turn off anonymous submissions. :-)