Thomas Grill said this at Mon, 31 Mar 2003 00:04:39 +0200:
And Adam, i stumbled across a compilation problem (Windows only) in s_path.c, function open_via_helppath, where the definition NTOPENFLAG needs a "bin" flag which is not defined. I fixed that, setting "bin" to 0, assuming that the files opened are always pd patches. Could you please review that?
Hello, Thomas,
I updated my local sources, and re-built. Your NTOPENFLAG doesn't appear to interfere with anything else that I can see (as expected), in compilation or testing. Thanks for noting it to the list. Sorry for my naivety about MSWin programming. (Not sorry for the naivety, but sorry for the side effects. :)
(Ooh, looks like vasp has been updated... I'll try to build again, then...)
Cheers, adam