Il 07/11/2011 23:25, Hans-Christoph Steiner ha scritto:
I'm just trying my hand at writing my first tclpd library, 'tclfile', which is basically all of the individual subcommands of Tcl's 'file' command broken out as separate objects.
This has given rise to a couple questions/comments:
- do I need to use proc+ or can I just use proc?
proc+ is defined in tclpd.tcl as follows:
proc proc+ {name arglist body} { set body2 [concat "global _;" [regsub -all @(\$?[\w\?]+) $body _($self:\1)]] uplevel #0 [list proc $name $arglist $body2] }
it allows you to have per instance ($self) object variables, like you usually have fields in the t_yourobject struct when coding externals in C (always have the first method argument called 'self'!)
- it seems like the 'constructor' proc is the same as Pd's setup() function. If so, I think it should also be called 'setup'.
it is not the setup function. maybe it is the _new() function
- is there an 0_anything/A_GIMME proc that can be used?
yes check examples/dynreceive.tcl
- multi-level namespaces to represent library and classname? Something like tclfile/mkdir would be tclfile::mkdir and have tclfile::mkdir::constructor.
didn't think of that, and right now it is not possible (the calling mechanism is hardcoded in c as ::<classname>::method)
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