hi miller, hi others ...
thomas grill and i experienced both some strange problems when working on the native asio support.
during the time waiting for the callback from the driver we did similar implementations that we won't wait for a pthread conditional, but return SENDDACS_NO to the dsp scheduler.
this had some unexpected behaviour, we both can't explain ... i could reproduce segfaults during realloc / free (when dragging around arrays) and some dsp functions (e.g. env_tilde_perform in testtone.pd). in env_tilde_perform all members of the t_sigenv had been set to 0xb8000100 ... what means, either the pointer to the t_sigenv structure has been corrupted (what i doubt, since the 3 t_int pointer contains the write blocksize 0x40) or something happened to the data structure itself ...
also: when dragging around a table, memory will be freed in binbuf_text (after socketreceiver_doread) that points to an area in memory that value (0xb8000100) occurs, too ...
is there anything running in the dsp scheduler that could cause weird behaviour like that?
any idea is highly appreciated ...
cheers ... tim