On Feb 21, 2007, at 4:54 PM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Eric Lyon hat gesagt: // Eric Lyon wrote:
Another question that comes to mind is the name space issue. I have an external in LyonPotpourri called adsr~. So does MaxMSP. But there's no clash because all of my externals in MaxMSP are compiled with a prefix, in this case el.adsr~. If many different packages are to be coordinated, it would be nice to have a similar convention to address this issue in Pd. (Hopefully not an ugly one like making me change all my files to el_adsr~.c and so forth.)
If your externals as single files are installed into a directory "el" and if not this directory, but the its parent is in Pd's search path then the object can be used as [el/adsr~] etc. This solution is standard on Pd-extended, where every collection of abstractions or externals is installed as a subdirectory of "extra". "extra" automatically is part of the search path.
Although AFAIK there still are some problems with externals: Once [el/adsr~] is loaded, you can also create [adsr~] without directory prefix and it will load your external. But maybe this has been fixed in the meantime.
If you want to read some more about this in the archives: This kind of directory prefix sometimes also is called "Geiger namespace" because it was first suggested by Guenther Geiger.
Also, this is bit is slowly being developed into a full-fledged namespace, like Java.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
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