adam overton wrote:
hello there
... next, i had to make sure to change my pd folder from 'pd-0.37-2' to just plain 'pd' or else the scripts in the configure file wouldn't know where to look for or put pd-related stuff...
"./configure --help" gives me (on linux, but this should be no issue) among other things: "--with-pd-dir=path pd header path (default=/usr/local/include)"
install: *.pd_linux: No such file or directory
clearly a bug.
externals have been thrown into an invisible folder (at least invisible to OSX's finder) that i really don't want to ever use (maybe someone can convince a good reason why i should): /usr/lib/pd/extra and /usr/lib/pd/doc
because osX is not only post-os9 but also a unix system. and on unix, things should go into /usr/lib, or rather /usr/local/lib if you install it by hand.
but of course it would be cool to offer a configure-option to the user "who knows better" for the installation path. IOhannes