On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Tom Schouten wrote:
hi august, check man 2 connect: ETIMEDOUT Timeout while attempting connection. The server may be too busy to accept new connections. Note that for IP sockets the timeout may be very long when syncookies are enabled on the server. so you're better off using select, then you can set your own timeout. tom
I don't even make it that far. Connect() doesn't return anything! I can't even get an error response. And without a connection, select does me no good.
Doing a search, I saw some ppl using alarm and signal around the connect call to kill it if it hangs. This looks like a dirty hack though. Any comments? code below.
signal (SIGALRM, connect_timed_out); alarm (CONNECT_TIME_OUT);
if(connect(sock,(struct sockadr *)& server,sizeof(server))<0) { perror("connect"); exit(1); }
/** ** Just in case the other end crashes without closing ** and we hang on a write ** time out the whole program after a while **/
alarm (NORMAL_TIME_OUT); signal (SIGALRM, normal_time_out);