On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 01:18:33PM +0100, Jan Baumgart wrote:
Hi Folks!
I'm currently writing an oldschool pattern-list sequencer pd patch, using lots of numberboxes and the PDContainer external, eg.
measure quarter tick values 1 2 380 12 -234 23 2.5 ....
everything works fine, except one thing: When changing the time of one list entry via mouse movement, the list gets resorted on _every_ motion and eventually the entry gets replaced by another one and I end up in a complete "timeline" mess,
I'm looking for a way to change numbox or number2`s behaviour to only send its value, when the mouse button is released. I'm not familiar with PDs communication with the tk-GUI and the numbox-code seems quite confusing to me :(. Is there any chance at all, for an external to react on mouse _release_ ???
can't help you with the normal numboxes, but with toxy it could be:
#> mynumbox text bind .- <ButtonRelease-1> {pd [concat .| _cb [.- cget -text] ;]} bind .- <B1-Motion> {.- configure -text [expr [.- cget -text] + %x]}
or something along those lines..
THX for any ideas on this. happy coding, jan.
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