On 2011-10-12 12:43, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Now that pdlua and tclpd are officially part of Pd-extended, I just had a little thought/feature request to make working with those objects easier. It would be very nice if you could right-click on the object, and click "Open" and have Pd open the script file in the associated editor. You can do this on all platforms using:
::pd_menucommands::menu_openfile {filename}
Or at least use that as example code for how to do it.
I have just got that working for pdlua in svn. Some notes:
A class must have a menu-open method before the Open item will be highlighted:
class_addmethod(our_class, (t_method)our_menu_open, gensym("menu-open"), A_NULL);
and the method itself:
static void our_menu_open(t_our_class *x)
calls sys_vgui("::pd_menucommands::menu_openfile {%s}\n", filename);
So the object needs to know the name of its script. For pdlua I added a field "_scriptname" in the lua side with an accessor "_whoami".