Arg... another example of the limitations of email, its so hard to communicate anything where nuance is essential. This discussion would take 10 minutes in person and no one would be annoyed. Maybe I'll try bullet points:
- I want to support collaboration on purepd - I want to implement key objects in Pd in purepd - I think purepd should be a scratchpad to test ideas - I do not care about strict adherence to backwards compatibility - I do care about finding broad standards that make sense in the overall - I did not know that [once] already exists elsewhere outside of purepd - I rarely go against the consensus of opinion on this list, that's what I meant by "blocking"
That's my thoughts on what purepd should be.
On Sep 15, 2006, at 7:43 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
IOhannes stuck [once] into the purepd library. I started that library
as a DEVELOPMENT library to explore ideas of how to implement things in
sorry, i had no idea you intended it like that. i always thought that purepd would be a replacement for often-used externals in plain pd, and that it was meant to be a community effort. i was mistaken here.
Pd. IOhannes replaced my code with [once] without asking me. That's
hmm, which code are you talking about? did i _replace_ your code of [once] with (my) [once]? i don't think so. did i replace your code of [oneshot] with one using (my implementation of) [once]? this is true (but the logfiles of [oneshot] state, that it is meant as a "pd-ified version[s] of existing object[s]"; the only known [oneshot] object (at that time) is in MarkEx/Gem, and the original pd-ified object did not properly implement that's behaviour. i thought i was fixing a bug...)
bad CVS etiquette. But [once] was an improvement on what was there. I
thanks for the roses.
want to improve it further but you guys are blocking me. So here's what I say: purepd will remain a DEVELOPMENT library. If you want a static, unchanging [once], please include it elsewhere, like zexy. If you want a place to freely explore implementing things in Pd, please include it in the purepd library. Then as interfaces and ideas get solidified, they can be moved elsewhere.
an this from someone who is known for advocating "standard" behaviour of objects.
purepd is a very catchy name for a mere sandbox.
mfg.adr. IOhannes
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General Smedley Butler