My experience with created a Makefile that builds a very complete MacOS X Pd Installer from CVS just by typing "make" has inspired me to start thinking about doing the same for Windows. But I have basically no experience with MS Visual Studio and don't really want to learn it. But I am willing to try to write an nmake Makefile if its similar enough to make Makefiles.
Then there is a question of which installer to use. I figure there has got to be a way to do this using free tools like Nullsoft's SuperPiMP ( ) or Inno Setup ( ). But my big caveat is that it would have to be able to be built entirely by a Makefile. I don't want to have to go into a GUI app in order to create the installer.
Anyone know anything about these or have examples?
Anyone want to help? This is not an immediate project for me, but probably this fall or winter. I just wanted to get the idea out there.