Suppose we replace "draw X, Y,Z" with "draw button". I think this then spins out in either of two possible ways:
(1) the "button" widget on the GUI side now takes care of mouse-hit detection and making itself flash (and eventually widgets with text can grab focus, handle copy/paste, etc). In this case the GUI widget has to maintain a connection with its corresponding object in Pd. This gets very complicated when, for instance, changing text causes inlets or outlets to appear, which perhaps on the Pd side the text is getting hammered by messages from elsewhere at the same time. Distributed database management, anyone?
(2) it's just a drawing with a tag, not an active widget; perhaps mouse hit detection is done in the GUI but everything else in Pd. In this case it's not a big enough change to make much difference, except for this noisome one: "GUI externals" such as the knob now have to load dynamic libraries into two programs, instead of just one.
Depending on which scenario we want to consider (or perhaps this is somehow a false choice) we can go into more detail about this...
These are important points! I think there are two separate concerns:
1. who is doing the mouse-hit-detection?
2. who initiates the state changes (e.g. flashing, selection)
For example, it would be possible to do the hit detection on the GUI, but still do the state changes on the core. For example, in IOhannes draft PR, the "bang" object has an "activate" message that is sent whenever the flash state changes:
We could move such internal state changes to the GUI, but we don't have to if it only complicates things.
However, I would love to move the hit detection to the GUI! Note that some GUI frameworks already do hit detection for canvas items. (In Qt, graphic items in a QGraphicsScene can receive mouse events!) In this case, doing the hit detection on the core is just duplicate work. It is also rather expensive since the core only stores the objects in a linked list, without spatial indexing, so every mouse movement has to potentially iterate over hundreds or even thousands gobjects and do rectangle intersection tests until it finds a hit. This is not something that you would want to do on the audio thread :)
The same thing applies to selections. The GUI typically already knows which objects are selected, so we only need to send this information to the core.
If we do the hit detection on the GUI, you are right that we need to keep an association between GUI widget and gobject. I think we just need to have a hashtable of tag -> gobject on the core; when the core receives a mouse event, it looks up the tag in the hashtable and then dispatches the event to the corresponding object. If the tag is not found, it means that the object has been destroyed in flight and we can just ignore the event.
There's one slight problem: some objects need to know *where* the user clicked. E.g. a slider with steady-on-click needs to know the position to set the new value. This means that the core side has to maintain some knowledge about the graphical representation. This does not seem to much of a problem to me, but it's something to be aware of.
Now here's the big catch: what should we do with GUI externals?
Ad 1: externals could define a region that acts as the bounding rectangle and which can be filled with drawing commands. This way they can partipicate in hit detection on the GUI.
Ad 2: I think state changes for externals have to be handled on the core because the external has no access to the GUI features. It does not even know which GUI it runs in.
One idea I had was to provide the GUI features as API functions. E.g. pdgui_drawrect() to draw a rectangle or pdgui_delay() to start a timer, etc. These API functions have to be implemented by the GUI, the core would just delegate the calls to the GUI. The external would register a callback function that is called whenever the object needs to be redrawn. Also, the GUI external could register callbacks for mouse events and paintings
One problem I see is that not every GUI can export C functions. For example, this probably wouldn't work with a web browser GUI...
The easiest solution is to just keep state changes for external GUI objects on the core, i.e. the external needs to send raw drawing commands. As an upside, this would make it easier to update existing externals as they would just have to update the drawing commands. Of course, as I said, sending all these individual commands not only increases traffic, it also means that the GUI has to maintain individual graphical primitives instead of just a single widget.
Either way, we should provide a stable GUI/drawing API for externals. Currently, it's all unofficial.
Thanks to Antoine for mentioning pdlua! I will need to check it out. I have already seen people doing some very cool stuff with it. Maybe they already have the perfect solution :)
I think all of this needs quite a bit of planning and design. We already had an online meeting two or three years ago before we started the GUI refactoring process. I would suggest to have another meeting where we can talk through all the potential issues and get a feel for the overall design.
Anyway, I'm very excited that the GUI refactoring is moving forward!
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