On 07/07/2015 10:15 AM, Dan Wilcox wrote:
This is exactly what we were *nudging* for. It's not a movement against, just a growing process. The SVN has served it's purpose but now a more decentralized approach works since the tools and dev approach have changed.
I created the "pure-data" GH group as an umbrella for this kind of development, so we could think about moving generally useful & actively support externals there. Then anyone can do a PR or be given externals development access via GH groups, etc without worrying about "stepping on anyones toes" or being stuck with something on their personal account. Original authors, of course, are free to take over their own projects and move them if they want, but there are definitely cases of externals which have become more community developed.
I now have a gitlab instance up and running, hosted by Oregan State University Open Source Labs.
I'm currently using it for the GUI port, but I set it up specifically to migrate away from Sourceforge (as well as not having to rely on yet another commercial service with the same business model).
Support was nice enough to help me set up a cert for logging in over https. That's just a stop-gap-- something like git.puredata.info or gitlab.puredata.info would be preferable. (That would require an additional cert for the subdomain, something which startssl doesn't allow. But once EFF's "Let's Encrypt" project ships we can get additional certs trivially.)
If anyone wants to play around with it, PM me and I'll send a link.