Dev Meeting this Friday
host IRC.FreeNode.Net port 6667 channel #dataflow time: |- 19.00 UTC+2 (Graz/etc) |- 17.00 UTC |- 13.00 UTC-4 (Montréal/NewYork/etc) `- 9.00 UTC-8 (SanDiego)
reminder: summer time is in effect in Montréal and Graz. there is no such time shift for SanDiego, and we don't want Miller to have to get up too early, so this is why it's late for the europeans. Sorry. Drink your Murauer in front of the computer. (It rhymes so it must be a good idea)
I'll _try_ to come up with the topic-list I have promised, ... well, before the actual meeting, anyway.
,-o---------o---------o---------o-. ,---. | | | The Diagram is the Program (TM) | | ,-o-------------o--------------o-. `-o-----------------------------o-' | | Mathieu Bouchard (Montréal QC) | | `---' `-o-- -'