I hate MIDI too... but at least I'm not having to deal with OSC :)
On 6/21/23 14:04, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
Am 21. Juni 2023 22:49:10 MESZ schrieb Miller Puckette mpuckette@cloud.ucsd.edu:
I'm having trouble getting "oss MIDI" (that is, access to /dev/midi*) working in linux. Whereas in 0.53 I get choices "none", "/dev/midi3", "/dev/midi4", "/dev/midi5", on 0.54 I get an extra entry, "(no device)". When I select "midi4" for example, the next time I open the dialog it shows "midi3". I think too that it' actually trying to open midi3, not midi4.
I take full responsibility, and it's on my to-do list (but it's also the end of the semester, so it might take a few days)
It just shows how much i hate MIDI
mfg.sfg.jfd IOhannes
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