Now that I have the new build system working smoothly, I'd like to start removing files from externals/build/src, as the are put into
someone spent a lot of time adding all those "#include ../../this/that.c" files..are you suggesting to undo this entirely? i guess my main question would be, am i now going to have to update the SConscript to check 50 directories instead of one after your changes. if thats the case i vote for leaving it how it is..
externals/Makefile with their own specific Makefile targets. I am not suggesting removing any from the distros, just reorganizing things into individual libdirs so that the namespace works.
i'm not sure what you mean by the 'namespace works'. is this the '[cc/prepend]' type thing? if so, that can be handled at install time for those that want it..
Any objections?
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