Yes, I really think so. What Johannes told me is that he is trying to redesign the render flow control, using pd messages instead of the hardwire DAG list. I think that input on these issues is very important in the current stage, when things can still be changed.
I can see the advantages of moving the display list into the message domain. If that part of GEM is being redesigned then I wonder if we can discuss the possibility of having GEM rendering in a separate thread. If audio is ever going to run at low latency on a machine doing lots of video then we need to solve this problem, don't we?
I'll try to have a look at the state of CVS when I get a chance.
I also have a number of GEM objects for windows some of which improve the stability and flexibility of video and file input (rewritten pix_film, pix_video using VideoForWindows and new versions using DirectShow which allow use of DV footage and live DV camera input)... I've been meaning to package and document these and upload to CVS so if there's going to be another GEM release soon then that should provide motivation for me to finally do this.