Could it possibly be that iemmatrix is not [hexloader]-ready yet?
From the hexloader README:
«CAVEAT: C also forbids to start function names with numeric values. therefore, this is a nono: [>]'s setupfunction would be "0x3e_setup()" (ILLEGAL) we can simply fix this by putting the "setup()" in front: [>] has a setupfunction "setup_0x3e()"»
Looking at the source, for instance mtx_mul.c, I don't see any function with prefix 'setup', only with 'setup' as suffix. While having another look it appears that there is even no setup-function name with hexadecimals in the name.
If it is only a matter of someone doing the boring uninspiring uninteresting painful work of renaming those functions, I _might_ be able to help, if there is interest (IOhannes?). If so, I would probably need some advice on how to do it correctly.
On Sun, 2010-04-11 at 16:36 -0400, Lee Azzarello wrote:
I'm trying to load an object named [mtx_*~]
I have the proper load path installed. I can load other objects in the same directory. If I look for the library in that directory (/usr/lib/pd/extra/iemmatrix), I find a file named mtx_0x2a0x7e.pd_linux. The hex translates to *~ in ASCII. So this should be the proper library to load for the [mtx_*~] object, right?
I'm unaware of how to debug this since it looks like I'm doing things right.
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