Hey GEM Devs,
I'm working on a little patch here for Matt and My PD workshop coming up.
I'm using a group of GEM objects by using a single gemhead sent to multiple (abstraction) subchains via send & separator. In this case there are multiple Geos, but only one gemhead, I had the anoyance to discover that the render order ended up being the reverse of the order the abstractions were loaded. Ie the first abstraction being loaded ends up being the top of the render stack, the last loaded being the bottom. (I really don't now why this is) Anyhow I thought it would be great if separator had a gemhead style numeric render priority argument to give each separator subchain a render order.
hi, you have a very common pd (max-alike)-"problem" with order forcing. when connecting several objects to one outlet, the order of execution is not defined.. i just use [t a a a a] (this really works with Gem>0.87) to make sure which sub-chain is rendered when. IOhannes