On 4/14/21 20:08, porres wrote:
armv6 = ?? (maybe .pd_linux) armv7 = .l_arm armv8 = .l_arm64
well, yeah, if we have just a package for raspbrry pis, then we can pack these 3 together, of course!!!
pd_linux was listed for Linux-amd64-32 (regular 64 bits Linux), so the problem would be to pack this with it as well - unless there's something else specfic for this architecture.
.pd_linux is the generic externsion for Pd-externals under linux - regardless of architecture. Pd on Linux will look for this extension on DEC/alpha, RPi/zero, i386 and HAL/9000. the arch-specific extenion for i386 on linux is (of course) .l_i386 (if you've ever encountered a .d_i386 or .m_i386, you might see a pattern).
the arch-agnostic extensions (.pd_linux, .pd_darwin, .dll) are often used for i386, because in the olden days that was the only extension. if you happen to run a Pd<<0.40 chances are that you are using a 32bit Pd.
Anyway, I guess it makes sense to pack the 3 pi versions together, then the 2 linux also together (32/64 bits), then windows in the same way (32/64) and the mac fat binary for both 32/64 bits. 4 Packages instead of 8!
i cannot follow. why does it make sense to separate by OS? what's the advantage of having separate Windows and macOS packages, instead of a single package that contains both Windows and macOS binaries?
also, what are the "2 linux (32/64 bits)"?; i currently count "*5* linux (32/64 bits)" in this discussion alone.
sidenote: there actually *is* a reason to not lump all the binaries together: filename size. since the architectures are encoded in the filename, and filenames typically have a limited length (256 characters on many filesystems!), this limits the number of architectures you can possibly have in a single deken package.
i stumbled upon this when testing deken. however, i think in real-world, the deken package with most architectures is probably zexy (1*Darwin,2*Windows,4*Linux) which has a total filename size of 131 characters. Adding the missing Darwin/i386 and Linux/armv6 and the legacy Darwin/ppc, would give us 182 chars, which still has a bit of headroom before becoming an actual problem.
mgdsr IOhannes