On 08/15/2009 11:42 PM, Ed Kelly wrote:
Once again, I personally would like to have this implemented in the PD core, since denormals are a real pain in the ass and often cause CPU pegging. This limits the real-time uses of PD, since there are some performance patches that are realizable but ultimately un-performable. As such I'm surprised it doesn't class as a bug, but I guess this is up to the extern writer.
as stated before in this thread, denormals can slow down the computation on the fpu. the problem is not as big, when compiling the binary to use the sse unit, though (btw, this is the default, when compiling for x86_64)
pd devel_0_39 did also set the DAZ/FTZ flags, which affect the denormal handling on the sse unit, but that was never merged into vanilla pd
hth, tim