On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Ed Kelly morph_2016@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
... Does phasor~ always start from 0 and go to 1, i.e. is there always a signal value of 0 at the start of the ramp and a signal value of 1 at the end? As I write this, my common sense tells me it should be "yes" but I want to make sure. I suppose I should just try it really... ...
A [phasor~] ramp should start with the remainder after wrapping, which is non-zero in most cases.
For pd-double I had to rewrite [phasor~], and it turned out that an implementation with branching is more efficient on current Intel processors. ARM processors do branch predication, it could be efficient as well. You could try the code from here and put message triggers in the branches: