i've taken over the job of packaging pd-extended on archlinux, and in doing so i've found a side effect to the changes initiated at r11880 (re: after a good argument with IOhannes in Brazil, I think we have a good Makefile template here), last edited r11891.
this template (which was also applied to motex) is causing the 'install' directive to concatenate the DESTDIR and objectsdir variables, both set in the externals root Makefile, and both containing the majority of the same path.
the result is a duplicate file path, causing both of these libs to be installed to the wrong location!
this is effecting my builds here, but it is also noticible in the autobuild farm logs - see the lastest for confirmation.
hopefully this can be fixed asap, but i was also wondering what ideas have come from these discussions for the externals build process? is this template designed to be applied to the each build target?
cheers, dmotd