Hi Robert,
- I'd like to output the selection start/end points as milliseconds.
How can i get the samplerate of a soundfile? Right now, i'm simply using pd's system-samplerate for samples-to-milliseconds conversion .
to my knowledge there's no sample rate (or any knind of metadata) associated to PD arrays. They are pure data. This is different to buffer~ objects in Max/MSP.
- When i change the appearance of the mouse cursor over a tk-item
using <Enter> and <Leave>, how can i get back to use the normal pd mouse cursors after leaving again? (it stays in the appearance i use in the <Leave> command)
I think i have to make the <Leave> command use the current pd-mouse- state somehow.
- What do i need to concern about when writing gui-objects for Graph-
on-Parent use? At the present state, pd crashes when i try to open a subpatcher including my object as GOP (Memory Access Violation).
Sorry, can't help with those....
best greetings, Thomas