[discussion of tk scaling deleted...]
What do you gain by removing in? I think we really need to stop wasting time on little details like this, and instead work towards real fixes. Does anyone object to the idea of truly separating the GUI from the core? I haven't heard them.
I already gained something... I can read the Pd console output now :)
Anyhow, if by separating the GUI from the core you mean re-writing the Pd patch editor in Tcl/TK, I think that would create enormous headaches. i enjoyed some of those with Max/FTS (in which the GUI layer was responsible for editing) and Pd's separation of duties is partly a reaction from that experience. But now there's even a stronger reason - since the GUI is now written in a scripting language it is likely to be very hard to get it to the level of robustness and performance needed in an editor.
But perhaps you mean something else, such as putting an abstract layer between Pd 'proper' and the Tcl/TK code. That might be feasible although I think it would still be quite a pain.
OTOH I recently talked with Peter Brinkmann about the idea of making an API for 'graphics updates' (changing float and table values) so that non-GUI-users could have an easier time seeing patch state. This seems a manageable first step...
cheers Miller