Frank Barknecht wrote:
What I actually I'm contemplating is not so much how to interpolate (there are various ways to do that including line~ etc.) but how to integrate interpolation into state saving. Saved states only can contain static values, that is e.g. start and end points of a movement, that is interpolated. The actual interpolation would need to happen outside of the state saving system itself.
I would personaly prefere something like adding a message to memento : "interpolsub 1 0.1 2 0.4 4 0.5" that would work like setsub but in this exemple the result would be : 0.1 * substrate 1 + 0.4 * sub2 + 0.5 * sub4.
(does it make sense?)
by this way, interpolation could not be include in state saving, but only in state restoring...
it's a good generic way for parametter interpolation, that does not nead to change lot of thing to the curent implementation.
maybe adding fonctionality to pool would be the simpliest way to do this...