Thomas Grill schrieb:
you're right that there has to be a solution in PD itself. It did work for me only because of the fact that hardly anyone seemed to care about threads....
My solution after some (by that time) unexplainable 'voodoo crahses' with oggcast~ was to use clocks as a sort of callback function. I pass data between the main thrad of my external and it's child thread using a mutex. The output is realised by setting a clock (from the main thread!) that calls itselfe over and over again. In this function I then lock the mutex and check wether some data has changed and needs to be output.... (setting a clock with clock_delay(myclock, 0) from within the child thread crashed Pd (it sometimes worked for some hours but in the end it sooner or later crashed)). This is of course not very efficient and a possibility to set a clock _only_ when it is needed would make things much easier.